(Published February 14, 2020)
Last week noted actor Kirk Douglas passed away at the ripe old age of 103. While he was a titan of Hollywood whose family continued his legacy he is perhaps best known for stealing – excuse me, “reimagining” the traditional greeting passed down through the millennia by the Eternal Pelicus.
I am referring, of course, to the traditional “I AM PELICUS!” greeting that was twisted into his iconic “I AM SPARTACUS!” scene from the movie of the same name. Now, to be clear, we here at Hail Pelicus are all in favor of using history and literature for our own ends, suitably updated for the discerning Northern California rugby community. Who can forget the rewrite of “Casey At The Bat” after the USA Men’s 7s first Cup win in London or the rewrite of “Evita” as “Don’t Cry For Me World Rugby” after the first Cup win in Las Vegas?
Apparently all of you can, dear readers, but that isn’t the point. The point is that we were honored that a legend such as Kirk Douglas chose to acknowledge the importance of the “I AM PELICUS!” greeting with his homage in the climactic scene of “Spartacus”.
The full story of the Eternal Pelicus can be found on the NCRFURS web site pelicanrefs.com, or will be soon. It was lost in the shuffle when the website underwent a necessary update but I am assured that it will be back and prominently displayed, along with all of the Pelican Names that have been awarded over the centuries.
Pelicanrefs.com Update News
Many of you have noticed that the update also did not include a page for the Hail Pelicus (shocking, I know), but that is being addressed as well. We thank you for your patience.
Meet And Greet, Listen And Learn
Yes, it is time again to gather the flock and buff up on the laws. A message from Tim Lew, noted BoD member and noted amateur mime:
We will continue on 2020 NCRFU XV campaign with our 1st in-person meeting in Berkeley California. This meeting will be held on THURSDAY, February 13th at 630p at Sports Basement Berkeley (2727 Milvia St, Berkeley, CA 94703). The society will have food and drinks. Unfortunately, we did NOT apply for an alcohol license for this event.
David Pescetti and Lee Bryant will be leading the meeting (as I’ll be away for work). Lee will kickoff the meeting with board updates and an update on exchanges in coordination with Ardy (exchange manager). David Pescetti will take the bulk of the meeting focusing on ‘Dangerous Tackle & Shoulder Charge: What Color Card’.
*** We will also run the meeting with a Zoom feed for those who cannot make it live. We will also record it for those who cannot make that time. Details below for the Zoom meeting.
Feel free to share with anyone interested in attending live or online. If you have any questions, please contact me directly.
Zoom Meeting Info
Topic: Northern California Rugby Referee Society Meeting
Time: Feb 13, 2020 06:30 PM Pacific Time
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your
calendar system.
Monthly: https://zoom.us/meeting/tJArdemtrjwpNpY2KITPL6Y69L7SsueMPw/ics?icsToken=98tyKuCsqDkqH9SSs139c7QtE4H5bPH2kl9ek_F2tSvVL3ZqNFraYdFRJ7dSIM-B
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 946 205 073
One tap mobile
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Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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Meeting ID: 946 205 073
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aFlIv7DWT
2019 USA Rugby Game Management Guidelines (until we get 2020 GMGs)
Looking for guidance on how to manage a game? Well, USA Rugby has your back. You can find the 2019 USA Rugby GMGs here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XXcRfsVtLL-qUawEHUI47ei0dt_65fDM.
If you do not have access to the google drive linked above you can also view them as well as other pertinent documents here: http://www.usarugby.org/referee-resources/
Disciplinary Action Reporting – Process For Reporting Incidents
(EDITOR’S NOTE: It appears that the link in previous Hail Pelicus had expired and was no longer working. The link below has been tested and does work so feel free to use it going forward.)
The various competitions all have their own disciplinary chairs and this will make it difficult to centralize the communication and data. To help we have developed a form that will centralize the process, regardless of the competition. The link to the discipline form is https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc42vbdqnFVH0u1BGTLhjOivDO2hNsmV4NXvvnC4FyAka7sKQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1
Copy the link and have it available on your smartphone. If you have an iPhone add the link to your home screen.
When needed fill it out and click submit. The discipline chair of the competition you refereed will receive a notification about the incident.
He/she may contact you latter for more details.
If you have any questions as to how to use the app please refer to the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Uz0_gTaOnY
On To The Game Reports!
Which will have to wait until next week as I am on a ski vacation and forgot to pack the WhosTheRef download template used to turn the raw data of the referee reports into the finely nuanced documentation of the week’s local (and international) rugby.
This Week’s Photo
Veteran referees Tim Lew and Steve Fenaroli demonstrate proper stretching technique in their pre-match routine.

Hail, Pelicus!
For the Senate
Pelicus Pedem Referre
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