Deplorable Contest
While the editorial staff here at Hail Pelicus are no strangers to controversy there are some topics that are sure to inflame a large percentage of the flock, either one way or another. When we agree to take on such a topic it...
For The Love Of Rugby
The previous editor of this fine organ gave me some advice when I took over. He said that he always thought of Hail Pelicus as a love letter to the game of rugby. I have always taken those words to...
A Latesummer’s Evening Olympic Dream
There is a lot of rugby related fun going on these days so Hail Pelicus has come out with another summertime issue. We do, after all, have much to discuss. The competitive portion of the Northern California 7s season is...
Midsummer Classic
Here we are at the summer season’s midpoint and the Hail Pelicus has roused itself after a sleepy few weeks. It gets harder and harder to crank up the juices and put out a HP after an extended break like this because writing...
Fifteens Finales
“There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story.”
-Frank Herbert
The sentiment above is especially true these days where rugby seems to have no off season. The 15s portion of the year is winding down with championships and championship-like...