Cliff Hanger
Rugby Today (rugbytoday.com) has an assistant editor and columnist named Pat Clifton. He has been commenting on rugby for years and hails back to the days when Rugby Today was Rugby Magazine – the only real source for American rugby news. He recently...
Mad Marchness
Am I upset? Can I be upset at an upset? Should I be upset that an upset upset my brackets? The most upsetting thing about this was I was up setting my brackets for days and upsetting my sleep schedule just for them...
Springing Forward
Yes, we are back. With a couple of weeks of rugby to cover this edition of the Hail Pelicus may take more than one bathroom trip. Vegas has come and gone and so has Vancouver. The clocks have been reset to save electricity...
Olympus Proximitus
The Olympic Games have always had more than a touch of romance and magic about them. Every country would send their best athletes and the world would find out who, exactly, was the runner, jumper, swimmer or team. The individual sports may come...
Winter Break
We all took a break from winter last week as temperatures in Pelicanland soared into the 70s and even low 80s (34 centipedes in SI units) but according to the Weather Priestess the El Niño rains will soon be returning in force, so...